Thursday, June 19, 2008


Well, I decided to do another one of these since Cathy didn't seem too impressed by the last one. Maybe this one will be more impressive. Probably not though.

Hmm....did I mention the summer tech camp in the other one? I dunno, I guess I will have to mention it again. The Grizzly Gazette is hosting a summer tech camp for middle schoolers to make their mock up newspapers. It's fun, I get to teach little kids about writing and computers. And I get paid for it, even though I wouldn't mind getting paid for it too. So yeah, that takes up about three hours of my day, and the next three hours go to tutoring. It's kinda like I have two jobs. I love tutoring. One day I am just going to go to their house and play video games and watch anime with them. This summer is pretty busy, busier than any summer I've had before. I like it though, it's fun.

Next week I'm off to Girls State. It will be the longest time I've been away from home, which is sad because it is only for a week. It's going to be an interesting experience. I don't think I will see a male's face for an entire week. I wonder how I will last. Maybe I will just stare at their pictures in my phone. Or is that a little stalker-ish? Oh well.

All and all I am quite excited for Girls State. I want to work for their newspaper and make it extremely awesome. I also want to join the band and the choir, and maybe even run for something, something small of course.

After Girls State is my birthday, then three weeks of nothing (well actually I'm still tutoring so that's something). Then North Carolina, then journalism training, then school starts. Wow, summer went by rather quickly didn't it?

Wow. This blog is booooring. I was going to try to write more about my day to day life in this one but I am getting quite bored. There is nothing exiting about my day to day life. My life isn't as exiting as Fiona's (I read her blogs and they are fascinating).tAnd I doubt anybody would want to read it. I like reading my personal journals (blogs, whatever you want to call them) more because they are far more interesting, and I have alot more to say, whereas here I am already running out. My life can't be that boring can it? Probably. I think maybe, only Cathy will read this blog. And possibly other people, if they want to.

I've been reading other people's blogs, and most of them seem to talk a cute guy. I've come to the conclusion that most, if not all, people's lives revolve around the opposite gender (or the same one if they swing that way). If they are single, they want someone (or just like someone), and if they're not single then they totally devote their life to their significant other. The majority of people's private conversations (from what I've seen) have been about a member(s) of the opposite sex. It's quite interesting in the way humans can be so infatuated in other humans. It's strange. Hmm....what else to talk about? Bad grammar bothers me, not so much in talking but in writing it really bothers me. Even though I do it sometimes. Well probably more than sometimes, but I try not to. My head itches, and I told Marcus I would go next door pretty soon. I wonder what more there is to talk about. Nothing really. Today has been the first non-busy day I've had all week. I should go make spaghetti. I can't spell that. I wish I was a better speller.

Well, I have talked waaay too much abot myself. What about you? How has your life been going lately? I wonder how many people are going to answer that. Oh yeah, if you read the end of this blog entry then you have to leave a comment (or just write to me or something) saying "Oohhh yeaaaah!!!" or else I will no that you didn't read it. I figure I will probably do something like this for every blog entry...if I continue with it.

I can't believe I'm going to be a senior next year. Lucky seniors, they already get to leave. I'm jealous....

Well, it was nice and all but I should go next door I guess. From now on I am going to write my blogs in a journalistic-ish style. One thought per paragraph. So the paragraphs will be short and choppy. So bye! Have an exillerating summer. I can't spell that.



Fiona90 said...

Hahaha I feel so self-centred. Next time I write a blog I'm going to ask my audience (I'm sure people read it, but they don't comment anymore) how they are. Maybe that's why they mostly don't say anything anymore, because I don't ask them about themselves. Or possibly no one cares about me anymore save you and my parents. Lolol. But I think not. I hope not. Hey Cathy, if you read this my blog is
The link is on my myspace, too.

Anyway, Ebony, your blog is interesting. You write well, and occasionally you sneak deep thoughts into it. I'm going to read the rest. =)

Fiona90 said...

Lol. I never talk about guys on my blog, except in passing. But then again, that's because my parents read it, as do my brothers, uncles, aunts, and cousins, and a copy even gets printed off and sent to my grandma. So my adventures are edited a little.

Then again, what kind of person sets up a blog revolving around the opposite sex? That smells of desperate. Hahaha I'm going to stop rambling and have dinner. Good luck at girls state!!

denya.beaudry said...

woo, girls state! you're going to win that thing that i can never remember what it is. i just know that we talked about it :D ohh yeah, you get to go to DC right? remember, be optimistic! haha.

you have to blog about girls state when you get back! :D and post pictures too! i want to hear allll about it! :D

and i'm excited to take you out to lunch for your birthday (that was kinda off topic, but i was just thinking about it). its going to be amazingly delicious and fun! :D