Sunday, June 29, 2008

Girls State 08

This blogs will be dedicated to my wonderful adventures of Girls State. I know I said before that I was going to write all of my blogs from now on in a journalistic style. But I think I may make an exception for this one. It was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. I will never forget it. I really don't know where to start off in this blog, so I might just randomly say things that pop into my head. was really hot when I got there. But that was only the first day. It was cooler after that. Lets see, the first day I went into my dorm, and it was cool. We had the new dorms. Some people from different cities had the old dorms. And they didn't even have air conditioning. It was sad. Oh yeah, my city. I was part of the City of Lassen. And we were the lollipop lassens (woo!!! go lollipops). It was awesome. We had a whole candy theme going on and it was great. So yeah, anyways. I went in my dorm, and it was small, and my roomate wasn't there yet And I looked into the bathroom and it connected to the room next door. And then I walk in and see someone reading a book and immedietly introduce myself. Turns out her name is Denise, and she wants to go to Stanfrod and be a competitave ballroom dancer, and also major in biochemistry. She seems like she would be this very quiet, nice, and reserved girl , but when she starts doing her latin dancing, she's this whole other character. She's great, she was our city outstanding citizen and Secretary of State. I was proud to have her as my suitemate (however you spell that).

Let's see, my roomate. She didn't come till later in the first day. But she was really nice. Her name is Christy. She's from Fresno. That was cool because we were both from the central valley.

Well, let's city. Hmm...well I already told you my city was Lassen. So I guess I tell you more stuff about it. Well, the first day I went into the city meeting room, it was cool. There was a kitchen right next to yet. One of the days it smelled like someone was making brownies. I loved it. So yeah, I entered the city room, and there were only a few people in there. The first person I can remember being there was a girl named Jordan. She's from a place up north called Martinez. I think she flew back...alot of people flew actually. I thought that was crazy. She was the acting mayor at the time. I also met other people when I first got there, some off the top of my head are....Jessica, Nicole, Christina, and Victoria. All very nice girls and all from different parts of California. It was crazy meeting girls from all different places. And like, each of them had like, a special talent of their own. It was crazy. And all of them were doing something right after this, like they would be home for about two days and then they were off again to do something. It was quiet fascinating.

Hmm...I ran for City Council. And I got it. It was cool but I was kind of hoping I would lose just so I could run for something else. For the experience. But yeah, it was cool. Hmm...I was kind of hopeing to go in choronological order with this blog. But I don't think that is going to happen.

Well lets see, I should talk about the scheduel. They have, every single second of ever single day scheduled out. It's crazy. We go breakfast at 7:15, then we usually have meetings from 8:00 to 12. Then we have lunch at twelve. Then after twelve we had rest time, sometimes for thiry minutes, sometimes for fourty five mintues, sometimes for an hour. That was the time where you were meant to stay in your room and just rest and rejuvenate. Of course I worked for the newspaper so we usually had a newspaper staff meeting that took up about half the time. Then after rest time you had meetings until four thirty-ish. Then you had recreation. It was similar to rest except you could go outside of your room and do stuff. I myself did orchestra during rec time. It was fun. Then after rec was dinner, then meetings, then city friendship about fourty five minutes before you go to bed, then bed.

Cell phones...they were not allowed to be used AT ALL unless it was during rest or rec time. And even then they weren't allowed to be used outside of the dorm rooms. Actually they couldn't come out of the dorm rooms at all, even if they were you're time tellers. We weren't allowed to use them at night before we go to sleep either. But all and all I guess I was in favor of this rule. Girls State is a time where you learn new things and meet new people and bond with those people, not to be stuck in your little world back home. So yeah, it was all good. you know, this was Girls State, so there was "not a guy in the vicinity." :P (Yes, just this once, I am going to right about the opposite sex). Everytime a guy walked by, it was hard for anyone of us to resist staring. Yes, it was that sad. None of the speakers were even guys. Being in a place all week with nothing but estrogen, sounds interesting. It was, nothing but female voices, and girls started even going to the men's room (I have a picture of that :P). It was interesting, but nonetheless, great. I really liked it with only girls. I know if there were boys there, there wouldn't be much getting done. And it was fun just bonding with all the girls.

The songs they taught us were funny. They were like, something you wouldn't expect to hear from Girls State. I would post the lyrics to one of the songs, but it might ruin it if a future Girls Stater reads this blog (which I doubt any one of them will, but you never know). We also did cheers, many many cheers, city cheers, county cheers, party cheers, and state cheers. I actually have a video of the parties going at it before an assembly. I should post it. It's great. The parties were named the Torys and the Whigs. The Torys believed in the government controlling the economy and stuff, where as the Whigs did not. So yeah. I was a Tory (woo! go Torys)!! I don't really know if it's Torries, or Torys. I'm just going to say Torys. But yeah, Torys and Whigs. And together we were the Twigs. It was great. We also did spirit fingers instead of clapping. We didn't clap because during candidate speeches, clapping would take up time whereas silent cheers (spirit fingers), didn't.

What else is there to talk about. Hmm...the first day we had a scavenger hunt. Our city didn't win. I was sad. There was also a relay. They were called the "yagottawannaplaya relays." It was loads of fun. I had to bob for golf balls in a small pool, after someone else already did it. I'm very proud of that moment actually, because if I can do that, then I can do anything. That's what I'm going to keep telling myself.

I worked for the newspaper while I was there. It was called The Daily Stater and it was pretty cool. I wrote one article for every day, something that most of the city editors did not do. But I must say this, I wrote an article for one day and they gave the credit to someone else. Yes, it irritated me for quite a bit, but I am always willing to forgive and forget. And at least I know that I wrote the article.

Talent show....the talent show was the most amazing talent show I have ever seen in my life. When it said talent show it really meant talent show. They had dancers, flute players, violenists, singers, composers, piano players, and even a girl who was named the number one teen magician in the world. All of these acts may seem pretty ordinary, but they were not. All of them were extraordinary at what they do. I would write about each act but I do not have the will power to do it.

We had amazing speakers. Two of them I can think of right now are the Secretary of State and an emmy award winning journalist. We also had the mayor of claremont and Michele Jackman, someone who's from the auxiliary I think. Each speaker had something very inspiring to say. They were not boring at all.

Well, since I'm not really in the mood to write right now, I am going to stop. If I think of anything I will add it in later. But all and all, my adventures from Girls State were wonderful and inspiring, and unforgettful. It was truly one of the best weeks of my life. If you read the end of this blog, then leave me a comment saying "and neck and neck and neck and neck"...hehe. :P Okay, thank you all. Bye. :D


denya.beaudry said...

"and neck and neck and neck and neck" lol. wooo. that actually wasnt as long as i thought it was :D and it was veryyyy interesting!

C said...

heyyy "neck and neck and neck" that was an awesome blogs!!!! by far, that was the most interesting blog i ever read and you wrote it with compassion and love!!! that's the kind of stuff i want to read! you gave me what i've been craving for!!!!

it sounds like you had a blast! i wish i had the opportunity to go! lol. i can't believe some girls actually went into the guys restroom. that must've really suck not having guys! but nevertheless, i'm glad you had a fantastic time!!!