Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I'm writing this blog for the amuzement of Cathy Bounchareune. I don't know if I spelt that right. She wanted people to start writing blogs so I decided to start one as well (ooh yeah, conformation rocks). This blog is green I think.....I didn't want it to be green. Oh well, I guess there's nothing I can do about it. Or is there? I think there is. If you are reading this and the blog is not green than that means that I have found a way of changing the color. what can I write about. Nothing really, my life is not very interesting, and nobody probably wants to read this anyways. So really there is no point. I should read other people's blogs. I was starting to read Denya's, but then I got sidetracked. I should read it again. Hmm...I'm a tutor. It's really fun. I really like the girl I'm tutoring. She is a sweetheart. And her sister is too, but I don't tutor her. But I can't tell anyone because they told me not to, so I can't mention names. :P Haha. I got a cool Pakistanian dress today. It was pretty much awesome. They gave it to me after I was done tutoring. They are so nice. It was cool. I also did the summer tech camp today. That was fun. I like working with the little middle schoolers. I didn't realize how little they were until I looked at them. I always felt so big when I was in middle school. I guess I was just young and nieve...I can't spell that. I suck at spelling.

This blog pretty much sucks. Everyone who reads it will probably get bored. I can go on and on writing (I usually write ALOT when I write to myself) but nobody would read it. So yeah, what else is there to say. Nothing for right now I guess. It's weird when people write journal entries or blogs (that are private), because they are the only ones who read them. They are just writing to themselves, so they are kind of talking to themselves. That's funny. So those people who make fun of people who talk to themselves and write journal entries to themselves, are being hypocrites. HAHA!!!! That's great. What else is there to talk about? Should I go into something simple or complex? Personal or casual? I don't know. I doubt anybody will read this. Or if they do they will get bored. I kind of want to know who is going to read this thing to the end. So, if you read this to the very end. Then leave me a comment that says. "What is love, baby don't hurt me." Haha. Yup. So there you go. This sucks. Bye. :D

Oh yeah...people who act emo annoy the heck out of me. Well, not the people in general, just the fact that they are emo.


C said...

"what is love, baby don't hurt me"
lol. i read it (of courssssse) and i loved every minute (and word) of it! lol. =D i think i know who those girls are! they go to saint anns (sp?) right. i think mrs. ross talked about them before in physiology and psychology! =D

annnnnd,talk about your daily life and what's on your mind! annnd, i didn't get bored of reading it!!! =DDD

-cathy ^__^

denya.beaudry said...

"What is love, baby don't hurt me."


you are SO interesting ebony! i just told you that in google talk. but whatever. its true :P you seriously think of some random stuff that i would never have thought of that always makes such a good point. i dont think that made sense. but i'm too lazy to go back and fix it :P haha